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A Bride Accidentally Orders an Inappropriate Cake Topper

Jun 27, 2023Jun 27, 2023

A bride accidentally orders an inappropriate cake topper, spawning commenters to share other hilarious and inappropriate missteps. Enjoy!

Jun. 22 2023, Updated 11:35 a.m. ET

We thought we’d heard everything that could possibly go wrong at a wedding, but one Redditor, u/24quarters, has us beat. She tells the story of how she ordered a cake topper with her and her husband’s first initials, which are C and M. Unfortunately, the heart between their initials looks like a “U,” which makes for quite the inappropriate cake topper. (We’ll let you figure out the dirty word.)

We’re not laughing, you’re laughing! Sure, this is a pain for the bride-to-be, but it’s also hilarious. I mean, if she can’t have a sense of humor about this, their wedding day is going to be a doozy. Regardless, she seems to be laughing it off considering the fact she posted the story on Reddit. And the best part is that now, other Redditors are sharing their equally inappropriate experiences.

If we thought she was joking, we wouldn’t be here. But u/24quarters is 100 percent serious, as evidenced by her photographic proof. (See above.) She wrote, “I will be getting married in October of 2023 to my fiancé of 9 years. In these 9 years, I have never really put together how our initials look. Mine being C and his being M. I ordered a very pretty cake topper a few weeks ago with our initials. It came in and I looked at it with excitement and hadn't shown anyone but my fiancé.

“Today, my father stopped in for a visit and I began to show him stuff I bought for the wedding,” she continued. “I held the cake topper and he gave me a puzzled look and asked, "What does it say?" I was confused as to how it wasn't obvious. Then it sparked me to look at it differently … I showed this to my father in full confidence. I ordered a cake topper that just says c--.”

The most embarrassing part of this story might be that she didn’t even realize the mistake until she showed it to her father! I can’t even imagine. My dad would never let me live this one down. And neither are the commenters, although they might make her feel better thanks to their examples of other inappropriate missteps.

Naturally, the internet is a web of association. When one person shares an inappropriate story, others are sure to share their own examples of hilarious missteps. Most of these examples are corporate, which makes them even more entertaining. For example, u/blodpalt shared how a Swedish hospital property owner called “locum” took out an ad in the paper for Christmas that replaced the o with a heart. The result? It looks like it says, “I ♥️ c--.”

Another person shared how the UK’s Office of Government Commerce, the OGC, changed its logo to the initials next to each other. However, when tilting your head to the left, it actually looks like a person, shall we say, enjoying some alone time.

Someone else worked for Big Lots in the Receiving department and immediately called out the font on some “Flickering Lights” that made “Flickering” look like a much more inappropriate word. “It took it going viral on social media for them to have them all pulled from the shelves,” they added to their story.

Hilariously, one person even shared a commercial from 17 years ago that was supposed to promote English-language learning in the Netherlands. It featured a wholesome family jamming out to a song with the lyrics, “I wanna f--- you in the a--.” It’s supposed to encourage people to learn English so that they would understand what the song is saying, but the commercial was so funny and unbelievable that it went viral and was then banned.

Funnily enough, OP wasn’t the first person to have a problem with their initials. u/SlightlyColdWaffles shared, “My wife's first initial is D. Mine is S. Our two sons are B and M. Our stockings last year displayed ‘B D S M’ over the hearth. We did not think that through.” Hopefully, the kids don’t understand what it means!

In fact, I have my own funny inappropriate story! When my brother was 6 years old and I was 9 years old, he wanted the number “69” on his soccer jersey. When my parents wouldn’t let him, we continued to ask why. They never told us — we learned on our own, of course — but it would have been much funnier to just let him run around the field as number 69 as a 6 year old.

But that’s not the worst story. u/Financial-Method9445 wrote, “My children’s initials are C and M. I got a necklace as a gift that says C♥️M. I teach middle school. I learned what my necklace looked like it said from 13-year-olds.” Oof! That’s just reason no. 492 not to become a teacher in today’s day and age.

We love an inappropriate cake topper, and even better, we love the inappropriate Reddit comments that were destined to follow.

Never be embarrassed! A seemingly embarrassing story can always make someone else’s day.